You can download the lectures here. We will try to upload lectures prior to their corresponding classes.
Introduction to Autonomous Driving: Perception, Planning Control
tl;dr: Course introduction and logistics. Brief introduction to topics covered.
Suggested Readings: Tutorial 1: Intorduction to ROS2.
Automatic Emergency Braking
tl;dr: Introduction to AEB and range sensors.
Suggested Readings: Tutorial 2: Intorduction to the F1tenth Simulator.
Rigid Body Transformations
tl;dr: Frames of references and rigid body transformations. Using tf2_ros.
Suggested Readings: Tutorial 3: ROS2 and TF2.
Vehicle States, Dynamics, and Simulation
tl;dr: Dynamics states, single track models, tire models.
Localization: Particle Filter
tl;dr: Mapping, localization, AMCL and particle filter Tuning.
Introduction to Graph-based SLAM
tl;dr: Graph SLAM, Probability and Scan Matching, Sparse Pose Adjustment
Suggested Readings: Tutorial 5: Running slam_toolbox and pf
Local Planning: RRT, Spline Based Planner
tl;dr: Obstacle avoidance using sampling based planners
Optimization & Control I: Optimization Basics and LQR
tl;dr: Introduction to optimization, optimal control and MIMO systems.
Optimization & Control II: Optimization Basics and LQR
tl;dr: Introduction to constrained optimal control, MPC formulation and application.
Introduction to Autonomous Driving: Perception, Planning Control
tl;dr: Deep Learning Basics, Object Detection, and Network Deployment.
tl;dr: In-class discussion on ethics and autonomous vehicles.
Suggested Readings: Tutorial 6: Foxglove visualization for the F1tenth
Raceline Optimization
tl;dr: Shortest Path, Minimum Curvature, Minimum Time and evolution strategies.
Reinforcement Learning and Imitation Learning
tl;dr: Reinforcement learning basics and applications on F1tenth.
Suggested Readings: Tutorial 7: Implementing RL on the F1tenth
Race 1 Preparation
Race 3 Preparation